
the art of dying

finished some new paintings.  and it felt good. 
this one is called Tsunami Tsurvivor. i immediately gave it to my friend jenner 
for helping me cope during that difficult break up with the guy who sent me 
into a post-traumatic stress induced psyche ward visit, involuntarily...

not fun. 
it's always easier to let go on a piece of free foam core or wood that you found 
in the street for free than it is to get all stressed out about how Good it might 
turn out having spent too much money on canvas and shit...

lately, i've realized i'm one of those people that's always late to the party. 
most of the things i become interested in are on their last legs in terms of 
viable options in this ever expanding smart phone world with apps up the ass. 
i have neither. but i still use an slr camera with black and white film when i can 
cuz the magik of light on metal will somehow always mean more to me that the 
digital interpretation of that alchemic dance. 

not that i don't love low light situations 
and the flexibility digital cameras can have at night. they're also good for shooting 
weird pictures in your room at 3am while naked and freaking out about 
what the fuck yer gonna do when the unemployment check runs out....